If you come to the ancient city Mogilev, which has been known since the 13th century, then your acquaintance with it will definitely begin with Soviet Square. In 2014 it was renamed to Glory Square in Mogilev.

Glory Square in Mogilev

The city of Mogilev received its symbol of self-government after the adoption of the Magdeburg Law in 1577.

Mogilev City Hall - history

City Hall, built a few years later, was made of wood. Due to frequent fires, it was rebuilt several times.

In September 1679, the construction of the stone town hall began. The construction of the building lasted almost 20 years. In 1698 the City Hall was opened. The height of the tower was just over 45 meters. The two porches were decorated with gilded weathercocks.

The first floor of the Town Hall was reserved for holding courts and meetings of the city council, as well as the office, the magistrate and utility rooms. The front rooms were decorated with images of kings and icons.

At the beginning of the 18th century, during the Northern War, the town hall burned down. However, local authorities quickly restored it. The town hall was not spared by the fighting during the Great Patriotic War. The building was practically destroyed. Despite the decision to restore the City Hall, in 1957 it was destroyed.

City Hall and Glory Square in Mogilev

In May 1992, the idea of ​​restoring the town hall was returned to, and the first stone was even laid. However, real construction began only at the beginning of the 21st century. In 2008, the grand opening of the modern City Hall took place. The building most resembles the town hall that adorned the city in the 17th-18th century. The City Hall performs its functions: the city council meets here, there are offices and a museum of the history of Mogilev.

how to get to smolensk from mogilev

Mogilev Square

Remarkable and Glory squarewhere the City Hall is located. The square arose in the distant 16th century at the confluence of the Dnieper and Dubrovenka rivers. This place was of great importance for the inhabitants of the city and nearby settlements. Also, the main streets of Mogilev - Shklovskaya and Windy - originated from the square.

Soviet Square in Mogilev

In the second half of the 18th century, after the annexation of Mogilev to Russia, the square was renamed Gubernatorskaya. The name was not chosen by chance: the estates of the governor and the provincial government were located on the square, which, unfortunately, have not survived to this day.

Glory Square in Mogilev poshyk_info

In the 80s, a memorial complex was erected on the square "Fighters for Soviet power", which adorns the eternal flame.

Moving from the square along Pervomaiskaya Street, you can see the Alley of Glory of the Heroes of the Soviet Union, which will lead to Mogilev Drama Theater.

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