At the beginning of the 19th century, Adam Litovor-Khreptovich expanded his father's Shchorsy estate, having bought neighboring Negnevichi. On the edge of a new manor complex is being built Adampol farm, somewhat reminiscent of “Muravanka“. Here, an enterprising nobleman built a two-story residential building, a livestock farm, many outbuildings, as well as a brick distillery, which has survived to this day.

Khraptovicha Adampal Distillery

Like the main estate of the Khreptovichs in Shchorsy, Adampol suffered greatly during the First World War. Most of the buildings were destroyed. In the post-war years, a boarding school was organized on the basis of the economic complex, and a little later an orphanage. Then again the war and new destruction, which the complex survived largely due to its remoteness.

Syadziba Adampal

From the 50s to the end of the 80s, most of Adampol was used again as a boarding school, and since 1991, the “Olympic” sports camp was organized on this base, which still operates today (*under the name “Adampol”).

Adampol old photo
old zdymak 1894, aўtar – Teafil Eugeniyush Baretsi

The most interesting object on the territory of the complex is a three-story red brick brewery, built on a high base in 1877 (rebuilt on the site of the old Adam Khreptovich distillery).

Adampol, Grodno region

If you want to see Adampol, keep in mind that the territory is closed, you will need to look for a watchman.

Adampal winery Khraptovicha

Below on the map is a point with the location of the brovary:

In these parts I recommend going to see the ancient city - Novogrudok.


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