A village, or rather an agro-town, with a beautiful name distant, is a settlement in the Braslav region, where you can see wooden church of St. Stanislaus.

Churches of Belarus

This temple was built in the first half of the 20th century, in the 30s. Perhaps already closer to the beginning of the Second World War, since there is no mark of the church on the maps of 1934 yet.

Wooden architecture of Belarus

Church in Far single-tower and three-nave, made in two tiers, and ends with a five-sided apse. The temple is a striking monument of wooden architecture with features and elements of the Art Nouveau architectural style.

Church of St. Stanislaus in the village of Dalekie

Church in the village Dalekie

Little is known about the church of St. Stanislaus. There is no information that it was closed or rebuilt in wartime or Soviet times.

Sights of the Braslav region

In old photographs, the church looks the same as it does today, a significant difference is the church territory, which has been significantly improved. In addition, the barn, which was located to the right of the temple, was completely dismantled.

Village Distant

The wooden church of St. Stanislaus in the village of Dalekie

The agricultural town of Dalekie is located just a few kilometers from Opsa, where there was a family estate Platerov. Perhaps representatives of this family have something to do with the construction of the church.

Beautiful Catholic Church of Belarus

Church in Braslav district

It will not be difficult to find the temple, the building is the dominant of the village and is visible even at the entrance. From the main street, turn off near the local executive committee onto Shkolnaya street, and then on Zarechnaya.

Not far from this place there is another attraction - Catholic chapel of St. Hedwig in the village of Starodvorishte. I also recommend visiting Braslav, one of the main tourist cities of the Vitebsk region.

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