Despite its large number and impressive habitat, see common pika it might not be that simple. This bird is small in size and from afar can easily pass for an ordinary sparrow. Certhia familiaris distinguishes a slightly curved beak, camouflage spotted plumage above and a white belly below.
In search of food, the pika deftly moves through the trees from the bottom up, usually along a spiral path.
Some birds from the pika family are very similar to each other and differ very slightly. So the common pika is easily confused with short-toed pika. The main visual differences are the length of the beak (in the short-toed it is longer), the hind claw on the paw (in the ordinary, the claws are longer, especially the back), color (the ordinary has a lighter abdomen and bright plumage). However, in practice, it is extremely difficult to distinguish these birds.
В Belarus the bird can be seen both in parks and in the forest.