Initially temple in Zhodishki It was built as a Calvinist collection, at the very beginning of the 17th century. Work began in 1602 and finished 10 years later - in 1612, the same date is indicated on the information plate at the entrance. The main investor and customer was Krystof Komarwho owns the place Zhodishki in those times.

Zhodishki temple in Belarus

Church in Zhodishki

Already at the beginning of the next century, the temple becomes Church of the Holy Trinity and slightly rebuilt. This probably happened as a result of the active work of the Jesuit order in these lands.

Church of Zhodishki

church in Zhodishki

Old photo of the church in Zhodiski
1882 Krynica: Album brzegów Wilii, Józef Cachowicz

The interior decoration is significantly different from the modest exterior. There are enough bright elements and details that catch the eye. 

Zhodishki church inside

The appearance of the temple, which can be seen today, was formed in 1902-04. Then a transept was added to the church, thanks to which it acquired the shape of a Latin cross, when viewed from above.

Zhodishki, Belarus

Zhodishki church

Around the church there is a fence made of large rubble stone, and in front of the entrance there is a three-arch gate.

Gate in Zhodishki

Zhodishki church

Zhodishki church

During the First World War church in Zhodishki badly hurt. The bell tower was completely destroyed, which will never be restored.

Trajecki kascel Zhodziszki

At the moment, the temple is active and open to all comers.

It will also be interesting to see the former palace, and today the building of a psychiatric hospital, on the site former college of the Jesuits. Tours in Belarus и more interesting about the country.


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