One of the most unusual tombs of Belarus located in Bridle. This pyramid-shaped building can be seen at the Catholic cemetery, on the outskirts of the city. The pyramid itself was built as a generic chapel-tomb of Zawisze.

Chapel tomb in the city of Uzda

Crypt Bridle

There are several versions about the date of construction. First - 1800 year, under Casimir Zawisz, who owned a vast estate Kukhtichi (now called Pervomaisk). Another variant - second half of the 19th century, under Jan Casimir Zawisz, who was a famous archaeologist.

Unusual pyramid near Uzda

Shrine of Zawisze

What is the pyramid next to the Bridle?

If everything is complicated with the date of construction, then it is even more difficult with the reasons for choosing such a strange form. Why is the tomb of Zawishes so reminiscent of the Egyptian pyramids in its architecture? It is still unclear.

Shrine of Zawisze

However, this is probably due to the hobbies of the Zavishes themselves. So Casimir was in Egypt with a scientific expedition, and Yang chose archeology as his profession, which is also closely connected with Egyptian culture. Perhaps this is the answer to the mystery of the construction of such an unusual object.

Tomb of Zavishey Kukhtichi

The chapel-tomb was supposed to have 2 levels: on the lower level there was a crypt, the upper level was intended for prayers. It is not clear how to get to the upper tier, there was probably some kind of passage. A few years ago, the tomb was ennobled, the crypt was closed and a forged grate was installed. This is what happened in 2017:

Crypt Bridle

Crypt Bridle

Crypt Bridle

Crypt Bridle

And this is how the tomb of Zawisze looks like in 2021:

Shrine of Zawisze

What does the tomb of Zawisze look like?

The tomb of the Zawishes in Uzda was built of large rubble stone in the shape of a tetrahedral pyramid. The architecture can be called eclectic with neo-gothic and archaic elements.

Aerial view of the pyramid at Uzda

Sights of the city of Uzda

Burials on the lower tier have not been preserved. In the city of Uzda itself, it is worth seeing the wooden Holy Cross Church. Having traveled to the village of Pervomaisk, you can see the old collection - ruins of a 16th century temple. Unusual pyramid of the Bridle on the map:

As usual, more sights of Belarus on the map.



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