Tag: Lubomirskie
The former estate-castle of the Lubomirskys in Yurtsevo
Not far from Orsha, in the village of Yurtsevo, you can see an unusual architectural monument - the former estate of the Lubomirskys. In 2020, the building was restored and is now used for the needs of the Vitebsk Regional Hospital IVOV. In addition to the impressive architecture with...
Dubrovno Bernardine Monastery
Bernardine monks settled in Dubrovno, Vitebsk region, as early as the beginning of the 17th century. By 1630, through the efforts of the Vilna castellan Nikolai Glebovich, a wooden monastery was built. Unfortunately, the buildings of those times have not survived to this day, but ...
Former cloth manufactory in Dubrovno
In the city of Dubrovno, Vitebsk region, there is a rather interesting industrial monument of architecture - the restored building of the dyeing shop of the Dneprovskaya Manufactory cloth factory. The company started operating at the very beginning of the 20th century. Records have been preserved that in the summer of 1900 there was ...
Abandoned distillery of Lubomirsky in Stanislavovo
The agro-town of Stanislavovo, Vitebsk region, is the former estate of the Lubomirskys, who had a real palace in Dubrovno (until the first half of the 20th century). In those days, Stanislavovo was called differently - the Sleptsy manor, here the Lubomirskys built a distillery ...