On Revolutionary street Vitebsk not so long ago there was a grand opening of the restored from the ruins synagogues. The ancient architectural monument stood in ruins for many years, but through the efforts of the local Jewish diaspora and concerned citizens, the building was restored to its original appearance. Great Lubavitcher Synagogue built on Revolutionary Street (at the time of construction the street was called Bolshaya Ilyinskaya) at the end of the 19th - first half of the 20th century.

Vyalika Lubavitsk Synagogue

Great Lubavitcher Synagogue in Vitebsk

There is an interesting fact about this synagogue, which is indicated in almost any source: it is assumed that Marc Chagall’s father went here. The legendary Vitebsk artist lived and was born literally a few houses away from this synagogue.

Synagogue in Zadzvinni Vitsebsk

In its form, the Vitebsk synagogue has a completely traditional architecture for such objects.

Sights of Vitebsk - synagogue

The building itself was rebuilt almost from scratch, since the condition of the masonry left much to be desired, but authentic brick was used during the restoration work.

Restored synagogue in Vitebsk

It is known that the synagogue was closed back in the 20s of the last century, and the building itself was repurposed for the needs of the flying club. Then the building was rebuilt, simplifying the architecture, and turned into ordinary industrial warehouses. In the post-war years, the need for this facility disappeared and the synagogue was simply abandoned. The process of destruction accelerated greatly when the roof collapsed in the late 90s.

Vyalika Lubavitch Synagogue in Viciebsk

Today the synagogue has already replenished list of attractions of Vitebskrecommended for visiting. If you wish, you can take a tour and look inside, as well as learn the history of the Jewish community of Vitebsk.

Synagogue courtyard in Vitebsk

The object is located in the Shagalovsky quarter, on Revolyutsionnaya street 10, below is the point marked on the map:

If you are in this city, I also recommend visiting museum in the town hall and to look Assumption Cathedral.


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