Settlements with the name "Svisloch" in Belarus enough, in this article we are talking about the village of Osipovichi district, Mogilev region. Here, near the confluence of the Berezina and Svisloch, you can see ancient settlement with ruins.

Picturesque ruins on the banks of the Svisloch River

The history of this place is quite ancient and foggy, and understanding it is a real dilemma. There is information that a castle-type settlement existed on this land already at the end of the 11th - the first half of the 12th centuries. So in the Galicia-Volyn chronicle there is a mention for 1256 about Svisloch principality and Prince Izyaslav.

What are the ruins in the village of Svisloch, Osipovichi district

Probably in those distant times there was a fortress on this hill, and maybe a real castle.

Settlement in the village of Svischloch

It is also known that this castle and the settlement of Svisloch itself were destroyed more than once. In the second half of the 13th century - by the Mongols, in 1506 - by the Crimean Tatars, in 1535 - by Russian troops.

In the 17th century, the Svisloch lands belonged to the Radziwill family, during which the fortress was rebuilt. The wooden castle at that time had 3 towers and an entrance gate, walls on both sides, various buildings inside.

What the castle in Svisloch looked like
Schematic representation of the fortress from the book “Belarusian Folk Architecture”

However, apparently these fortifications did not stand for long. In 1654, Svisloch was captured by the Cossacks under the leadership of Hetman Ivan Zolotarenko, who plundered and burned the settlement. Since that period, the castle on the Svisloch River is no longer mentioned in the annals.

Village Svisloch

But a place with such a favorable location simply could not be empty for a long time.

Ruins of the synagogue in the village of Svisloch, Castle in the village of Svisloch, Castle in the village of Svisloch, Osipovichi district

Since the 18th century, Svisloch became the property of representatives of the Zawishy family (it was their Kukhtichi estate with an unusual tomb pyramid). With their support, a small Franciscan monastery with a wooden church is being built in the town. Unfortunately, this temple has not been preserved.

The next prominent owners of Svisloch were Nezabytovskiewho built their family estate on the outskirts of the village. Now there is a children's sanatorium on that place. The ancient castle Nezabytovsky used as household yard.

Where was the synagogue in Svisloch?

In the first half of the 20th century, a Jewish school was located on the site of the settlement - header (many sources indicate that it was synagogue). Closer to the beginning of the war, in the 30s, the building began to be used as a local club. In the post-war years, part of the buildings, and there were four of them, were dismantled into bricks.

Synagogue in the village of Svisloch
The drawing was made before 1912, from the site be.wikipedia

The last functional refuge here was found by a branch of the road repair construction department (DRSU) at number 199. In fact, an economic yard was again located on the ancient settlement in that period (80s), as under the Nezabytovskys at the end of the 19th century.

Synagogue in the village of Svisloch, Osipovichi district

There is a curious fact: in the 1993 film, Black stork, you can see how the castle looked during the filming.

What are the ruins in the village of Svisloch, Osipovichi district
Frame from the film "Black Stork" 1993

Castle in the village of Svisloch

In the late 90s, there were plans to build a church on the settlement, but this idea was abandoned. Perhaps the reason is that an Orthodox church has already been built on the site where the wooden Franciscan church stood. Church of St. Nicholas. Today, in the agro-town of Svisloch, almost nothing reminds of the past history, and even the locals have forgotten about the Svisloch Principality. But people go to these parts with pleasure to look at nature - the views here are the most beautiful.

Castle Svisloch

The settlement is located at the very end of the Svisloch, below is the point with the location on the map:

Another small attraction of the agro-town is a stone Bazyl Yatsko's house. If you are in these parts, it makes sense to go and see Bobruisk city.

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