Novodevyatkovichi is a large agricultural town 30 kilometers from Slonim with a rich and interesting history. In the annals, the place (then simply Devyatkovichi *) has been known since the end of the 16th century as the possession of the family Meleshko. After them, Slugs became the owners of the estate, who owned these lands for about 260 years. Of course, a noble and wealthy family built their family estate in Devyatkovichi, or rather, a real palace. Unfortunately, the building has not survived to this day, only fragments and general planning solutions of the park have survived. Palace of Slugs in Novodevyatkovichi located at the end of Jubilee Street, leading from the Church of Saints Peter and Paul.
In an old painting by Napoleon Orda from 1862, you can see the scope of the palace.
A later drawing of the Horde has also been preserved, which depicts the park side of the palace.
The construction of an unusual palace, the architecture of which is more reminiscent of the English houses of nobles, was carried out by Alfred Slug in the middle of the 19th century. The estate was located with the letter "P". The palace complex consisted of a large three-story building with elements of neo-Gothic style, a high rectangular tower with a flagpole and a single-level greenhouse with an officina.
In the photo below you can see what the most modest part of the Slug Palace looked like, that very official.
In front of the entrance to the courtyard there was a carriage house and a stable, as well as 2 outbuildings. In the rebuilt form, these buildings have been preserved.
The palace in Novodevyatkovichi stood until 1944, after which it was destroyed, and the ruins of the massive structure were dismantled for building materials for a long time.
It is interesting that the elder daughters of Alfred Slizny in 1880 decided to build a real hippodrome in Novodevyatkovichi. It was located where the stadium is now.
The last owner of the estate was Algerd of the Slugs, he had many challenges and difficulties. After the advent of Soviet power in 1939, Slugs will leave these lands forever, leaving most of their wealth to be plundered. So the unique library, which was collected over several centuries, will disappear almost without a trace.
Arriving in Novodevyatkovichi, you will not find any mention that a palace once stood here, below is a point with the place where it was located:
In the old part of Devyatkovichi, you can see an old cemetery with the ruins of 2 tombs - Kollupailo and Slugs. If you are in these parts, I recommend going to Busyazh, where Assumption Church 1779 year.
The information is presented very briefly, but this corresponds to the title.
Let me point out the inaccuracies stated above:
This is about inaccuracies. And a lot of interesting information has been collected about the estate and its owners. Shrines of the castel were found, the son of the last owner of the estate recently visited, who exactly 85 years later visited the place of his birth... and much more.
Strachany palace Slіznya i yashche roof tsikavostak near Nowadzevyatkavichy (geta Slonimski districts)