Tough houseplants - A great gift for any man. Why not! They will improve the microclimate in the office or at home, enliven the desktop, and bring a bit of comfort and life to everyday life.

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Aloe (Vera)

This plant loves sunlight. Very unpretentious, it does not need to be constantly looked after, it is enough to water 1-2 times a month and occasionally fertilize.

aloe vera

Aloe has many healing properties, it is used in the treatment of skin diseases, wounds, burns and more. The plant reduces the content of formaldehyde, benzene and other harmful substances in the air. If most flowerpots emit oxygen mainly during the daytime, then aloe produces it at night. It has a positive effect on the body, improves immunity.


He likes spacious rooms, partial shade. An ideal plant for those who constantly forget about watering. It is advisable not to put it near drafts and fertilize periodically.

room plant

Among the common indoor plants, it occupies one of the leading places in air purification (neutralizes toxins, viruses, removes benzene, ammonia, toluene), moisturizes it and saturates it with oxygen.

Positive effect on sleep. To smooth out the negative impact on the body of office equipment, ficus can be placed near a printer, copier, etc.


One of the most common, unpretentious indoor plants. Sometimes it seems that these evergreen spines are simply impossible to “kill” (even if you really want to). Almost all types of cacti can exist in almost any environment. All they need is some soil, sunlight and very little watering.

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This is an ideal greenery for the workplace, because it absorbs the electromagnetic radiation of the computer well.


Commonly it is often called spider plant. Very popular in our homes. Chlorophytum grows well in any light, in almost any type of soil. If you forget about watering, then it will not dry out and will not wither, except that it will fade a little.


This plant perfectly cleans the air, fights benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, xylene.

Crassula (Fat Woman)

Or whatever it's called "Money Tree".

Very easy to care for. It does not need to be watered and fertilized often, rather, on the contrary, it is important to ensure that the soil in which the crassula grows does not become waterlogged. In addition, this plant reproduces easily, sometimes it is enough just to stick a leaf into the ground, and it will take root.

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People have noticed more than once that Crassula reacts to the illnesses of people with whom she is adjacent to the premises. If there are diseased trees nearby, the tree begins to wither, shed its leaves, as if pulling the negative onto itself. And after recovery, it is restored. Also, the leaves of the plant have bactericidal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition, according to Feng Shui, this plant is believed to bring wealth and prosperity to the house.


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