Near the gate Mstislav settlement pay attention to a rather atypical object for Belarus – the tomb of the unknown knight, who died in 1502. The knight probably served in the banner of Prince Mikhail Zaslavsky, and judging by the armor and weapons found in the Vikhra River, the warrior was a horseman and quite wealthy. Only a few could afford such equipment in those days.

An interesting landmark near the castle in Mstislavl

The knight's body and armor were found back in 2013, and a year later, during the annual "Knight's Fest" festival, the remains were reburied near the fortress that this warrior defended.

The Battle of Mstislavl is one of the largest battles on the territory of the city. In November 1502, Moscow soldiers and warriors of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania clashed under the walls of the fortress.

Mstislavl - the grave of the unknown knight

There is a small sign on the cross: “To the unknown knight died in the Battle of Moscow on the 4th (16th) of the fall, 1502.”

Magic of the unknown knight in Mscisla

Below is a point with the location of the grave:

If you are in Mstislavl, I also recommend that you take a look Jesuit Church, and if possible, go to monastery in Pustynki.


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