urban settlement World needs no introduction, its main attraction, - Mir castle, everyone knows. However, quite often the popularity of the castle deprives the rest of the World of attention. The village has old church of St. Nicholas, церковь, ordinary building from old houses of the late 19th - first half of the 20th century, as well as the former synagogue courtyard.
The ordinary building of the center is quite typical for settlements Belarus that time. Today, these pretty buildings house various shops and administrative services.
But the synagogue courtyard in Mir is unique in its own way. Almost all buildings of the complex have been restored and are in use. So the Great Synagogue of 1896 was reconstructed into the Mirsky Posad hotel, a heder into a local museum, and the Small Synagogue into administration.
All the main objects of the old part of the urban village of Mir are located on Kirov Street and September 17 Square.
See what it looked like Mir Castle in the film “Three merry shifts”. Near these places you can see ruins of the Obrina estate and family tomb Kashitsa.