Minsk tourist

sights, announcements, what lived and interesting

What's new in Minsk?

Interesting places

Minsk in Cinema: Under the Blue Sky

Minsk in the 1989 film “Under the Blue Sky…”

If you like to watch how architecture and life in our cities change, then today's material will definitely be interesting to you. In this article...
Minsk in the film "Let's Get Married" 1982

Minsk in the film “Let's Get Married” 1982

It's always interesting to see how cities change or how they looked a few decades ago. Today I propose to take a look at Minsk from 1980-82...
Minsk on old photos and postcards

Minsk on old photos and postcards

What did Minsk look like in the first half of the 20th century and the early post-war years? Old postcards depicting iconic...

GUM: architecture, history, secret places and interesting facts

Minsk is full of interesting places and worthy sights, and its central part is curious in one way or another...
cheap hotels in minsk

The most budget hotels in Minsk

When the question arises: “Where to stay in Minsk?” Hostels and hotels come to mind. Reluctant tourists...
what to bring from belarus as a gift

10 gift options from a trip to Belarus!

If you have come to Belarus, you have probably already learned about many features of our country. Here...
unusual places in Minsk

Note - 9 interesting places in Minsk

If you are one of those who are tired of classic sights like museums and monuments, then you...
Holy Cross Church in Minsk

Kalvary cemetery: church, gate, tombs and a ghost

Kalvariyskoye is the oldest cemetery in Minsk, on the territory of which there are about 30 thousand graves, several tombs,...

The best dining room in Minsk? We know where.

The dining room of your dreams. Tell me, is it a simple hard worker or a schoolboy ...

How much does it cost to rent a car in Minsk?

Our editors decided to go on another trip around Belarus....

Sights of Minsk

Map of sights and interesting places in Minsk

The map

Interesting about Minsk