Milkovshchina, Grodno region, is the small homeland of the writer Eliza Ozheshko (Pavlovskaya), where her family had a small estate. True, now only the museum and the memorial boulder at the place where the estate stood reminds of the Pavlovsky times. But the village has several other attractions. The most interesting of which is Church of the Intercessionbuilt in the early 20th century.
The construction of the temple was carried out by a retired military man Shirma Konstantin Antonovich, who at the end of the 19th century bought the Milkovshchina estate from the Pavlovskys. It was on his initiative that this church was built in 1904, which has pronounced features of the architecture of the historical Russian style.
In addition to this temple, a wooden church could have appeared in Milkovshchina, which began to be built in the 30s, but the work was never completed. In the post-war years, the building was rebuilt and began to be used as a school.
On old maps there is a mark about another Catholic church (or possibly a chapel), which was located near the Pavlovsky estate itself. Unfortunately, I did not find any information about his fate. Below is a point with a mark of the Church of the Intercession on the map:
If you are in these parts, then along the way you can stop by the village of Puzynovtsy, where the Pavlovsky family cemetery is located.