In addition to the main attractions, in the old Leonpole There are two tourist sites that are often overlooked. The first one is model school in 1930. Similar educational institutions were actively built on the territory of western Belarus in the first half of the 20th century.

School building in Leonpol 1930

Old photo - school in Leonpol
1937, Aniskovich, Lyavonpalsky Zamalyouk

The second facility is located next to the school building - museum "Radzіmaznaўstva", opened in Leonpol in autumn 1999. Initially, as a literary, then the exposition was significantly expanded. Inside, a lot of old photographs, household items and various artifacts of the late 19th - early 20th century are collected.

Museum in Leonpol

Both of these attractions are located on the main street, below is a point with a mark on the map:

The history of Leonpol is closely connected with the family Lopatinsky who had a family home here. Also, through the efforts of representatives of this genus built wooden church and a memorial column was erected in 1791.

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