In a small village Pervomaisk, Uzda district, there are massive ruins resembling a fortress. This building is Calvin tax. Most historians tend to believe that this defensive temple was built in the second half of the 16th century. But there is another theory. According to it, the collection in the village of Pervomaisk was laid much later - only in the middle of the 19th century. And based on the appearance and design Smorgon collection.
Depending on which version is correct, there are several assumptions about the history of the temple. Let's start with what is known for sure.
Kukhtichi or Pervomaisk?
The village of Pervomaisk has another name, historical, - Kukhtichi. These lands originally belonged to a noble family Kovechinsky. And according to the most popular version, it is thanks to Matei Kovechinsky the Calvin collection was erected in these places. Approximate dates of construction - 1560-70. Matei was an active Calvinist, as well as an associate of Simon Budny.
After the transfer of the estate to Krishtof Kovechinsky, he decided to convert the cathedral into a Catholic church.
From the end of the 17th century, the lands passed to the Zawisze family, who built their family estate here. Only outbuildings have survived to this day. Several outbuildings, a park and the ruins of a watermill.
Calvin collection architecture
The temple is single-apse with thick walls and high windows, made of brick. The architecture of such structures is often called defensive, it is not typical for Belarus, but was common among Calvinists.
High turrets with small windows deserve special attention. Such an architectural solution is somewhat reminiscent of church in Kamai. The main collection volume is a dodecahedral drum covered with a pitched roof.
The history mentions various reports that the collection in Pervomaisk was rebuilt and modified. But as you know, it is almost impossible to reliably establish which dates are correct and which are not. With the advent of Soviet power, the Kukhtichi estate turned into a state farm and was named Pervomaisk. Probably at the same time, the Calvin collection was no longer used as a religious building. For a long time there was a power plant in the temple premises.
Now the ruins of the collection are on the balance Uzda Agricultural Lyceum, on conservation, awaiting a possible restoration. Below is the location of the ruins on the map:
A small overview video from old trips:
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