Idolta is an agro-town in the Miory district, located near the lake of the same name. Interestingly, there is no exact information about where this beautiful name came from. But it is known about the first owners of the place - this is a kind Rudaminov-Dusyatsky, coat of arms "Pipes". From them Idolta passed to Sapegamwho had extensive possessions in these parts with a real castle in Druya. Then, in 1825, Frantisek Sapieha sold the estate Joseph Milos, with whose name Idolta will be associated until 1917. Under Milos, a classical homesteadand chapel-tomb on the peninsula.
The manor house was completed in 1860, the sons of Joseph Milos were in charge of the work. A few years later, by 1862, a family house was also built. chapel-tomb.
The initiator was Evgeniy Milos, who wanted to honor the memory of his dead wife with the construction - Emilia of Targon.
The architecture of the chapel has pronounced features late classicism. The main facade is distinguished by a triangular pediment, traditional for this architectural style.
The walls are cut with false columns and cornices, and above the entrance there is a decorative rose window.
A small wooden turret rises above the roof, most likely it was built at a later time, perhaps even in the 90s. The old photo from the 30s clearly shows that this bell tower was originally made of stone.
Many representatives of the Milose family were buried in this tomb, including Eugene (the builder of the estate), who died in 1908.
In Soviet times, the chapel was desecrated and looted. According to the recorded recollections of local residents, the tombstones in the crypt were broken, and the brave atheist vandals played football with the skull of one of Milos. This story also has a sad (or rather instructive?) continuation. Two of those vandals died tragically during the ensuing year. One drowned in the lake, and the second crashed on a motorcycle.
Idolt Chapel For a long time it was used as a warehouse for fertilizers. At the end of the 20th century, it was returned to believers and restored.
Near the chapel there is a wooden bridge that connects the agricultural town of Idolta with the neighboring village of Milashovo.
To say more about Milos manor house, like the chapel-tomb, has features of classical architecture. The shape is rectangular, one-story, the central part of the house with a wooden attic and a small portico.
In 2005, the estate began to be restored, and after a 3-year repair, the local administration and the library were housed within the walls of the renovated building.
Finding these sights will be easy. From the Church of Our Lady of the Scapular, move along Lesnaya street, the manor house will be on the left, and the chapel is on the right - closer to the lake.
In these parts, I also recommend visiting the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Miory. If time permits, you can go to the village of Osada-Dedino and look at the ruins of the Rudnitsky estate.