Grodno is a unique city where the number of attractions pleasantly surprises even the most experienced tourist. However, in addition to preserved and restored historical objects, there are also those that few people remember. For example, on the pedestrian Sovetskaya there used to be a massive Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, built at Dominican monastery. The ancient temple of the 16th century has not survived to this day; only the residential buildings of the monastery itself have survived.

What would be the Daminikansky cathedral near Grodno?
Savetskaya Street (historical name – Vilenskaya) is once again known as the Daminian Church
What the Dominican Church looked like in Grodno
1865, Krynica: Jodkowski J. Gimnazjum po-dominikańskie w Grodnie.

The Church of Our Lady of the Rosary was apparently built of stone in 1708 on the site of a wooden predecessor. In terms of architecture, the temple was an example of Baroque: two square towers on the same level as the pediment, a pitched roof, arched niches - outwardly this church was somewhat reminiscent of Brigitsky.

Where was the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary located?

The Dominican monastery was liquidated in 1840, the residential building on Sovetskaya was rebuilt as a men's gymnasium, and the church began to serve as a parish church, mainly high school students came here.

Malyunak Napoleon Horde
Malyunak Napoleon Orda zrobleny pryklad z 1861 na 1869, z zaytu

Dominican monastery in Grodno

After the uprising of 1863, the church was closed. There is information that they planned to rebuild the temple into an Orthodox church; whether this project was implemented or not is difficult to answer. But it is known for sure that in 1875 the church no longer existed - the building was demolished.

Daminikanski Kastel Grodna

The second residential building of the Dominican monastery is located a little further from the pedestrian street. The building was erected from stone in 1789, and today various city administrations are located here.

Dominican Church in Grodno

Below is the point with the place where the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary was located:

All the main attractions of Grodno are within walking distance: Great Synagogue, old lock, Church of St. Xavier.


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