TOP 8 environmental problems of the earth of our time

Environmental problems of the earth - These are critical environmental situations that are relevant for the entire planet, and their solution is possible only with the participation of all mankind.

It should be immediately noted that any environmental problems of the earth are closely related to other global world problems, they affect each other and the occurrence of one leads to the emergence or exacerbation of others.

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1. Climate change

First of all, we are talking about global warming. It has been worrying ecologists and ordinary people around the world for several decades.

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The consequences of this problem are not at all rosy: an increase in the level of the world ocean, a decrease in agricultural production, a shortage of fresh water (primarily for lands that are located north and south of the equator). One of the main causes of climate change is greenhouse gases.

Ecologists have proposed the following solutions to this problem:

– reduction of carbon dioxide emissions

– switch to carbon-free fuels

– developing a more economical fuel strategy

2. Overpopulation of the planet

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During the second half of the 20th century, the world's population grew from 3 to 6 billion. And according to existing forecasts, by 2040 this figure will reach the milestone of 9 billion people. This will lead to shortages of food, water and energy. The number of diseases will also increase.

3. Depletion of the ozone layer

Giphy Studios Originals Good Job Global Warming Planet Earth Ozone

This environmental problem leads to an increase in the influx of ultraviolet radiation to the Earth's surface. To date, the ozone layer over countries with a temperate climate has already decreased by 10%, which causes irreparable harm to human health, can cause skin cancer, vision problems. The depletion of the ozone layer can also harm agriculture, as many crops are damaged by excessive ultraviolet radiation.

4. Reduction of biodiversity

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Due to intensive human activities, many animals and plants have disappeared from the face of the earth. And this trend continues. The main reasons for the reduction of biological diversity are considered to be loss of habitat, overexploitation of biological resources, environmental pollution, and the impact of biological species brought from other territories.

See also:

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5. Pandemics

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Recently, almost every year, new dangerous diseases have appeared, caused by previously unknown viruses and bacteria. What caused the centers of epidemics around the world. What is COVID19 worth - the main problem of 2020.

Diseases of the 21st century

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6. Crisis of fresh water resources

ecology problem

About a third of people on earth suffer from lack of fresh water. At the moment, practically nothing is being done to conserve existing water sources. According to the UN, most cities around the world do not properly treat their wastewater. Because of this, nearby rivers and lakes are prone to pollution.

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7. Widespread use of chemical and toxic substances, heavy metals

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Over the past two centuries, mankind has been actively using chemical, toxic substances, heavy metals in industry, which causes great harm to the environment. An ecosystem polluted with toxic chemicals is very difficult to clean up, and in real life it is rarely done. Meanwhile, reducing the production of harmful compounds and minimizing their release is an important part of preserving the environment.

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8. Deforestation

Deforestation around the world is proceeding at alarming rates. The first place in this environmental problem is occupied by Russia: in the period from 2000 to 2013, 36,5 million hectares of forest were cut down.

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This problem irreparably harms the vital habitat of many plants and animals and leads to the loss of biodiversity and the deterioration of important ecosystems, as well as an increase in the greenhouse effect due to a decrease in photosynthesis.

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  1. I am also concerned about the problem of ocean pollution. There are entire garbage continents in it, which are clots of small plastic particles that end up in the stomachs of marine animals and lead to their death.

  2. I want to note that the topic of global warming worries more and more environmentalists, and of course people who are not indifferent. I personally read such information that the glaciers are already melting, and the level of the world ocean has risen as never before. Is it really soon we are waiting for a catastrophe on a global scale?!


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