Understanding the consequences of environmental catastrophes in the world should teach a person to be more attentive and careful to nature and the world around him. We will describe only some of them to show what consequences negligence and indifference to safety can lead to.
Gulf of Mexico disaster
On April 20, 2010, an explosion occurred on the Deepwater Horizon oil platform due to a technical malfunction. As a result of which a huge amount of oil was thrown into the Gulf of Mexico. For 152 days (just such a period of time the oil continued to spread over the surface of the water), 75 thousand square kilometers of the water surface was covered with an oil film.
All the states adjacent to this place were affected, but most of all, this environmental disaster caused damage to the states of Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, Louisiana. The oil spill harmed about 400 animal species. Hundreds of birds, amphibians and fish died on the coast. All the colossal damage cannot be estimated by any money.
Disaster in Bhopal
On December 3, 1984, a hazardous insecticide chemical, Sevin, was leaked at the Union Carbide plant. As a result, 42 tons of toxic methyl isocyanate fumes released into the air led to the death of three thousand people who died on the day of the incident, and 15 thousand victims in subsequent years.
The cause of the leak is still unknown. One of the main versions: sabotage of the plant and savings on security measures.
The death of the Aral lake
Once the Aral Lake occupied the fourth line in the list of the largest lakes in the world. However, everything changed in the 60s. At this time, the development of fertile lands near this reservoir took place. Water from most of the tributaries of the Aral Sea began to be used for agricultural purposes. As a result, less and less water began to flow into the lake. As a result, it began to dry out. Now on the site of the once huge reservoir is desert Aralkum.
Due to such uncontrolled intervention in nature, dozens of species of animals and fish died, and the local climate changed. The bottom is covered with a layer of pesticides, which were actively used in agriculture. The consequences of the ecological catastrophe are still being felt. During strong sandstorms, these particles are carried hundreds of kilometers and continue to destroy nature and its inhabitants, and harm people's health.
Chernobyl disaster
On April 26, 1986, one of the most destructive environmental disasters in the entire existence of mankind occurred in the city of Chernobyl, the damage from which is measured in tens of billions of dollars and countless victims. After all, not only those who were directly near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant suffered, many people were exposed to radiation, the consequences of which are felt even now.
Scientists are still arguing about the scale of the long-term impact of this catastrophe on the ecology of the world.
The accident at the chemical factory "Sandoz"
On November 1, 1986, due to an accident at a Swiss chemical plant, about 30 tons of agricultural pesticides fell into the Rhine River.
As a result, millions of living organisms died, water was contaminated.
Deadly London smog
On December 5, 1952, an acrid smog descended on London, the causes of which are still unknown. It did not dissipate for 4 days.
Almost immediately, people with damaged lungs began to arrive at the city's hospitals. During this time, 3,5-4 thousand people died. Read also TOP-8 environmental problems of the earthwho should be concerned.
We live in the 21st century. Age of technology. But we are still cold. It is because of this negligence that the innocent suffer. We are people who are developing, we cannot monitor our productions or we want to cash in on them even more, without observing the measures. People, please take care of yourself.