We have already told in one of the materials what is organic products. They are grown naturally, without synthetic pesticides, growth regulators and any other chemicals. Organic products are not refined and mineralized, they do not add artificial flavors and colors. And if you are seriously thinking about including them in your diet, then this article is for you.

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In fact, the range of organic products in Minsk is not so large and diverse. But this does not mean that the food will be boring and monotonous. We learned in online store "EkaEzha" about the most popular products worth trying, what are their features, and what to cook from them.

Oat flakes

eco-eye - oatmeal

Feature of these oatmeal in addition to those that are characteristic of all bio products, also in the fact that they are produced by the method of crushing whole grains. And, as you know, it is in whole grains that contains the maximum amount of nutrients. And they are incredibly tasty, according to customer reviews of the store.

Coconut oil

kokosovoe maslo

The manufacturer buys raw materials for this coconut oil from a Philippine farm. The oil itself is produced in Germany by cold pressing. No chemical cleaning is applied to it. That is, the oil remains alive.


Dates are another of our pride and bestsellers. Quite significantly different in taste from dates from the mass market, as they are dried naturally (and the process of natural drying is much longer than the intensive method), and are not processed for storage.


Rolls of oatmeal with dates.

Ingredients: 3 bananas, 15 pitted dates, 300 g oatmeal, coconut flakes to taste.

Method of preparation: Fry oatmeal (you can use coconut oil). Grind the dates with oatmeal in a blender or with a meat grinder. Mash bananas with a fork and mix with the resulting mass. Make balls and roll them in coconut flakes.

ovsianka shariki

Also in the top 6 are bulgur, whole grain couscous and red lentils. These are high-quality cereals and legumes, which can be consumed as an independent dish, or cooked from them tasty and healthy food.

foto products eco ezha

Casserole with couscous and cheese

Ingredients: Couscous 125 g, 1 chicken egg, half onion, cheese 75 g, ground nutmeg to taste. Method of preparation: Boil the couscous (as directed on the package). Add fried onion, egg, grated cheese to it, mix everything well. Salt and add nutmeg, mix again. Bake in the oven in a greased form for 20-25 minutes. at a temperature of 190 °C.


Red lentil soup

Ingredients: 1 cup red lentils, 300 g carrots, 300 g potatoes, 200 g onions, half a tablespoon of tomato paste, 4 tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt and spices (turmeric and red sweet ground pepper) to taste.

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Method of preparation: Peel and cut carrots and potatoes. Put in a saucepan, cover with water, add washed lentils and tomato paste. Cook under the lid a little more until cooked. Cut and fry the onion in vegetable oil, transfer to a saucepan with soup, cook for another 20 minutes. At the end of cooking, add salt and spices. Using an immersed blender, puree the contents of the soup until smooth.

More of our content at environmental topics.


  1. I am a big fan of organic products. I am glad that there is a useful EkaEzha online store specializing in the sale of organic products. Vitamins from them will nourish the body with energy, strength, strengthen health, immunity. I really love dates. The recipe for homemade sweets is simply beautiful! Children will especially like them and leave with a bang. I wrote it down for myself. Thanks!


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