Nesvizh Castle a hundred years ago in unique pictures 1927 years. Today, technology allows you to take beautiful photos from a bird's eye view without much complexity and special skills. However, things were very different in the first half of the 20th century. Photo art was just entering everyday life, and one could only dream of seeing iconic places from the air.

Nesvizh Castle old pictures
source: Polska w Krajobrazie i Zabytkach. Tom II. Warszawa, 1930. S. 310

Photo of Nesvizh from the air

The next picture was taken from the side of the reservoir.

Nesvizh from the air in 1927


The opposite side of the palace, and in the upper right corner you can see the central part of Nesvizh.

Nyasvizhsky palace-parks complex

What did the Radziwill Palace in Nesvizh look like 100 years ago?

Aerial photography from a height of approximately 400 meters

Nyasvizhsky palace-parks complex

Radziwill Palace from the air

Main entrance.

A unique shot of the Radziwill Palace in Nesvizh
source: Taurogiński B. Z dziejów Nieświeża

Palace of the Radziwills 100 years ago from a bird's eye view

A bonus is another comparison of images between which are about 100 years old. Below Farny Church of the Body of God and a city tower from the 16th century.

What the Farny Church in Nesvizh looked like 100 years ago

Farny Church aerial view

I suggest at the same time to watch an overview video of one of the main sights of Belarus - Palace of the Radziwills in Nesvizh. Winter aerial shots give an excellent idea of ​​the scope of the castle grounds.

There are enough interesting places in Nesvizh that are also worth a visit: Slutsk Gatetown hall, Nesvizh gate-bell tower.

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