Church of St. Boris and Gleb in Grodno - a unique monument of ancient architecture. The temple is also named Kolozha churchor Kolozha. Presumably founded during the reign of Princes Boris and Gleb Vsevolodkovich. And probably named after them. There is another version, according to which the Borisoglebskaya church was built by the children of the princes. The exact date is unknown, but most historians agree that the temple was built before 1183.
Today this historical object is one of the central sights of the city.
Second name Borisoglebskaya Church - Kolozhskaya comes from a place Kolozhanon which the temple was built. The accumulation of natural sources and springs in this place has long been revered by pagans.
During its long history, the church was repeatedly rebuilt, destroyed and rebuilt again. A significant decline occurred at the end of the 15th - beginning of the 16th century. At that time, the temple stood without a roof and windows, with partially destroyed walls. All this is the result of ongoing wars and battles.
Borisoglebskaya church, stands on the steep bank of the Neman, on the very slope. On the one hand, it looks harmonious and fits into the architectural ensemble. Grodno. However, from the point of view of geology, such a place is irrational.
Back in 1720, there was a situation when the wall of the temple almost collapsed. Then the problem was solved by planting trees, which strengthened the soil on the slope. But in 1853, this location of the temple once again brought him serious destruction. As a result of the landslide, the southern wall of the temple and part of the western one collapsed. At the end of the 19th century, work was carried out to strengthen the coast, and in 1897 the walls were restored.
Architecture, interior and interesting facts
The architecture of the Kolozha Church is truly unique and has no analogues in Belarus. The temple is cross-domed and three-apse, made on six pillars. It is quite small in size, about 13 by 25 meters, but the interior of the church is perceived as quite spacious.
This effect of space is achieved, among other things, due to the round section of the supporting pillars.
Inside the walls of the church are made of thin flagstone bricks. The modern interior is very harmoniously combined with the abundance of wood and carved altars, it looks dignified.
Perhaps the main interest is the facade of the Kolozha Church, or rather the surface of the walls. Due to the inserts of multi-colored boulders and majolica slabs, the effect of the antiquity of the temple is transmitted. When you look at such different masonry, you really believe that the church has more than 800 years of history.
The decision not to cover the entire facade with wooden panels looks logical and correct. Since the walls best show the historical path of the church.
Initially, Kolozhskaya the church had a dome, like all Christian churches of that time. But in one of the destructions, the dome was lost. Since 1991, services of the Orthodox Church have been resumed in the temple. Boris and Gleb Church in Grodno is included in the list of monuments protected by UNESCO.
Kolozha Church is located in the city of Grodno on Kolozha street, 6.
You can see nearby Old и new castle.
A truly unique landmark of Belarus, which is worth a visit. By the way, according to legend, the famous commander David Grodno was buried near the walls of the Kolozha Church (there is a monument in the park). And in the Kolozha church, a male choir sings