For the bird of the next year, Patryotka Palessya was chosen, palyashochka - white tit (Russian - white tit) - a slow jumping song bird, like we live only on Palessi. Menavita for the candidature of the pragalasavali syabry of the hramadsk organization of the APB. Yana zmyanila lelyaka - the bird of 2021.

Belarus has annihilated the bird of 2022 - eight 10 facts right
photo: Andrey Sheuchyk

Da getaga yana peramagla ў "poultry primers”- online-galasavannі, any chalavek could use yakіm. So Yana became hell with three candidates for the title of the bird of the year, the astatnim were the scapa and the extraordinary Turk.

At the ferocious times of shtogadovag Z'ezda APB, the prodstaўnіkі groups of the padrymka leather bird-candidates ruled the propaganda ledges, showed presentations of the rights of their abrannits, and interrupted the argumentation, how to perekanats syabraў APB pragalasavіt for “s.

Past the Star of the Seven Septembers, the Arganizatsy were sent out ballots from the heels, as if the yans were flooded and sent back. Farmat "pashtovaga" galasavannya was vykarystany ўpershyn. "Yaўka" vybarshchykaў paradavala - pragalasavala 643 chalaveki. The white tit peramaglazed the sluggish adry.

What is a geta bird? 10 facts right.

White tit May yashche adnu name - prince, sapright prince sіrod sіnіts! Geta adzin z sami vіdaў sіnіtsavyh u Belarus.

Included ў Black Book of Belarus Yashche from the first step of issuance. The number of times in Belarus was estimated in 2015 only 500-800 pairs.

Smaller bird for verab'ёў: vaga yes 16 g, wingspan ў yes 21 cm. The nest has 11 eggs. Two thousand birds are nesting and so many birds are feeding them.

Nesting in Belarus and Ukraine, only ў Palessi and navat uzimka do not pack a yago. Ptushki kantsentruyutstsa wakols Jumping and on the yay prtokah. Here the white tit has a streaked papule. Asnouny, the area will be stretched with the carpet hell of Maskva and the Japanese pestilence.

White Lazorevka
photo: Andrey Sheuchyk

For nesting, the birds are patrimonial oaks, black-aleshniki and old verbaloses, yakіya ўvnu ўlіyutstsa flooded with water during the floods. Tamu menavita vakol Birds and birds live and nіdze pains on the back, in the early morning it's late.

Pry ўtvarenny couples male robits admyslovy rytual - feed the female.

The beauty, Kali ў white tit has a nesting season, it is easy to take care of: the male of the great act is sleeping on its own site. And at the eighth hour the white titmouse fawns feed like partisans - havayutstsa.

Nest work, yak and іnshya sіnіtsavy, in the hollow, nesting nests in the schylіna ladies. Not a crowd of people and often settled in settlements. With an assignment loan, sinichniki - piece hollows. Nests often work low, for hours we reach hell on earth!

Uz_mku yae can be planted near the dense weeds of the tresnyagu on the floodplains of the wreck. Yana rasshchaplya motsnay dzyubay tsverdy stsёbly tresnyagu and parasonic splinters, adsukvayuchy buried there lychynak kazurak. Uzіmka can be esci and nasenne.

Belarus has annihilated the bird of 2022 - eight 10 facts right
photo: Andrey Sheuchyk

White tit - adzin of the most popular species of Belarusian birds for meat, a bunch of tourists come and visit us in Palessa, kabacheyts menavita yae.

The national campaign “Bird of the Year” of the APB pravodzіts since 2000, in order to honor the people and birds of Belarus, their problems and the needful occupied months, dze yans live.

Pavel Pinchuk, arnitolag of the national park “Prypyatski”:

- The main threats for the white tit are the reclamation of the floodplains of the palesk rivers and waterlogged forests, the spring fires of the floodplains. Yashche adna z threats - not a long time for nesting during the felling of old trees, akramya tago, shmat bird nests in nests, yakiya lacking abaronena hell drapezhnіkaў (near the first charga ў veskah - hell katoў). The development of admyslian bluebirds could have made papamagchy ў pavel papular birds of 2022. Akramya tago, the biyalogiya of the getaga is hidden from the point of view of the cape and was investigated in Belarus, as in the entire area. Kaltsavanne dapamozha atrymats large іnfarmatsyі pramyashchennі white synits.

The kings of the year arnitolage will be attached and assigned white titmouse with calary rings. Panazirats for pratsesam calcification is possible budze ў Turava on the first near Belarus stancii calcification. Glyadzіtse "important" on the feet of the sister princes - are there any rings there? - and fatagraphuytse ikh!

In order to develop the trends of the Belarusian papulyatsyі knyazkov, Palessi APB plans the right admyslovy streets in the months of their nesting and class routes for future mantoring. Magchyma, atrymaetstsa to give a new ring to the country.

Narrowly in the middle of the campaign with the help of foresters and schoolchildren, the plan was to raise and hang hundreds of ladies for the white tit on Palessi. The chicks in such ladies were 28 mm thick - so good luck! Vyasnoy spetsyyalisty and amatar-birds are right, who grazed in these titmouses.

Kab navat from Australia skin could panaziratsya for our princelings, APB sponsors online broadcasts from pockets ў Palessi, where you can fly palasavatsa seeds of slanechnik. Kali you live near the hell of the floodplain Jumping - shepherd's pocket, and princes jumping and yes you! Yak and shtogod, in 2022 there will be pravodzіtstsa competitions and actions for children and young people.

For their announcements, you can follow and APB accounts on social networks. Happy 2022 years, Belarusians, the years of the white tit!

Davedka: The past bastards had symbols of Belarus:

White busel, white plyska, avyalga, damava verabey, Garadskaya swallow, baradat kugakka, book, salavey, sluggish white chaplya, sheray goose, falcon-pustalga, vyaliki kulen, black swirgul, hoopoe, extraordinary zyazyulya, dried savannah, zhazyuh, shchygel, vyalіkі arlets, muffler.

We are working on a collection of funny and cute photos of a bird of hell Belarusian avatars with signatures - Ptushkazhart.


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